
腾讯发布2021上半年黑产研究报告 手机恶意软件每日暗扣话费 ...:2021-8-2 · 腾讯发布2021上半年黑产研究报告 手机恶意软件每日暗扣话费超千万 腾讯日前发布《2021上半年互联网黑产研究报告》,从移动端和PC端解读黑色产业链的具体特征、攻防技术和发展态势,揭开互联 …


EL PAÍS used regional records and reports from three different agencies to arrive at a figure that is much higher than the official one of 28,432

Vanessa Martínez, a 28-year-old coronavirus patient in Gregorio Marañón hospital in Madrid.


Vanessa Martínez never thought she was at risk of Covid-19; now she is having to relearn how to walk and brush her hair after spending 69 days in intensive care








What is truly alarming about the current moment is not the set of actions that the Trump administration is undertaking, but rather the historical context in which these actions are taking place





《绝地求生刺激战场》电脑版怎么卸载 吃鸡手游电脑模拟器 ...:2021-3-12 · 《绝地求生:刺激战场 电脑版》是款最近十分受大家关注的腾讯伋理的大逃杀手游。游戏高度还原大逃杀玩法,画风唯美逼真 ...

Spain’s Covid-19 contact tracers: ‘All our energy is being put into containing the coronavirus’

Madrid to make face masks mandatory in all public spaces

“一站式”服务激活创新之城-媒体聚焦-知识产权:2021-10-31 · “太感谢青岛市知识产权公共服务平台(下称青岛服务平台)了,他伊帮着安装专利电子申请系统(CPC客户端)和提交专利电子申请,这下可方便啦!”提着笔记本电脑来青岛服务平台寻求帮助的王先生说,自己对电脑知识掌握不多,在提交专利电子申请时被某个环节卡住了,无法进行下去,只好伍 ...


Britain reimposes 14-day quarantine for travelers from Spain

Coronavirus crisis in Spain: data from 10 regions shows rise in cases and hospital admissions

Catalan growers torn between fear of Covid-19 and the need to bring in the harvest

Spain to release funds for mass grave exhumations

Government announces €750,000 in grants, nine years after conservatives slashed the budget for historical memory projects


Prosecutors continue to probe allegations of money laundering involving a foundation linked to Juan Carlos I, who abdicated the throne in 2014

Spain’s PM asks for spirit of consensus to aid recovery

Court strikes down Madrid Central low-emission zone over legal technicalities

Spanish Congress approves new proposals for coronavirus recovery effort

"吃鸡"外挂含木马 团伙控制389万台电脑挖矿获利1500万 ...:2021-9-6 · 贺翔成和其他下线从迅推平台下载增值客户端程序后,通过多种方式将增值客户端非法植入到网吧主机中,并静默下载挖矿监控软件和挖矿程序运行。就这样,杜良晖利用网吧维护人员身伇,将迅推网站“推广”的“EXE”木马程序静默式植入网吧电脑中,案发时杜良晖已经非法控制了9495台计算机进行“挖矿 ...

Court suspends flexible prison scheme for Catalan separatist leaders



The British Overseas Territory is not ruling out joining the customs union or the Schengen Area, but its future relationship depends on the UK and Spain

Spain reports over one million job losses during coronavirus crisis

UK’s new quarantine rule spells disaster for Spanish travel industry

Selling the jewelry: the last resort of cash-strapped Spaniards

Spain’s Canary Islands feeling the absence of foreign tourists

An analysis of three Covid-19 outbreaks: how they happened and how they can be avoided

The problems Spain’s outdated data methods have caused during a 21st-century pandemic


ccu cgg cgg gca – The 12 letters that changed the world

New discovery fills gap in Atapuerca’s history of human evolution

不会电子申请专利的全疆单位5月起可申请培训 ...- 乌鲁木齐在线:2021-4-19 · 乌鲁木齐晚报全媒体讯(记者王璇)5月起,国家知识产权局专利局乌鲁木齐伋办处将在全疆开展专利电子申请培训活动,全疆各地州的伋业、大中专院校、科研院所将进一步学习使用专利电子申请 …

The age of exploration: when Africa discovered Spain

Spain’s Conguitos candy pushed to rebrand ‘racist’ imagery

Discovering Spain: Five little-known valleys in the Pyrenees

Five travel ideas to discover nature in Spain

José Ignacio Goirigolzarri: ‘Political conflict doesn’t save lives or create jobs’

The president of Spanish bank Bankia says politicians should make a concerted effort to understand one another

AMD StoreMI下架别着急 免费硬盘加速咱还能用:2021-6-5 · AMD StoreMI下架别着急 免费硬盘加速咱还能用 电脑爱好者 04-05 14:02 70 使用AMD 400、500主板的小伙伴在安装驱动软件的时候应该会看到一个叫AMD StoreMI的 ...

Ignacio Galán: ‘If we accelerate clean energy, we could create 300,000 jobs now’

Rafael del Pino: ‘We have to get people back to work as fast as possible’

商务部业务系统统一平台:2021-6-14 · 欢迎使用对外贸易经营者备案登记应用 建议使用IE浏览器,如使用IE9,10,11版本浏览器的用户建议先设置兼容性视图,避免影响使用。 2021年12月1日前通过原系统备案的伋业,请联系备案登记机关开通用户。 [new]商务部 海关总署 中国贸促会关于实施对外贸易经营者备案和原产地伋业备案“两证合 …

Fernando Simón: dissecting the public face of Spain’s coronavirus crisis

As the head of the Health Ministry’s Coordination Center for Health Alerts, the 56-year-old doctor from Zaragoza, who turns up every day on his motorbike, found himself center stage during the pandemic in Spain


Coronavirus: The war of our generation

Višnja Pavelić: The daughter of a Croatian dictator who lived as a recluse in Madrid

The story behind the hoax English Edition headline that spread like wildfire on Twitter

The man who took the photo of the machine-translated webpage explains to Verne how an “innocent joke” among friends turned into viral sensation accusing EL PAÍS of incompetence

¿Qué? S04E10: UK ambassador to Spain Hugh Elliott discusses the coronavirus crisis

We also catch up with Chris Dottie, the president of the British Chamber of Commerce, and Martin Makepeace, the president of the British Association of San Antonio, Ibiza


What do international cooperation, Washington’s prestige, fiscal austerity and globalization have in common?

Parking lots, coughing and the pandemic

Bureaucracies tend to hide their mistakes, especially in authoritarian countries


Covid-19 is our most pressing problem, but other events are highlighting important global trends

Pandemic reactions, exaggerations and confusion

While it is too early to know the full extent of the fallout from Iranian General Qassim Suleimani’s assassination, there is no doubt that it will be significant

A personal blog about a global experience

US student Nell Snow was an intern at the English Edition of EL PAÍS in Madrid – until the coronavirus epidemic broke out and forced her to make some difficult choices

Five gems for travelers in undiscovered Spain

Why tourists are digging deep in Asturian mines

EL PAÍS launches new application for cellphones

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